Mud Kitchen
We are super excited to add this Mud Kitchen to our outdoor play area. We still need to add a sink, but it’s almost 90% complete and the children couldn’t wait to use it. I want to thank Mr. Gonzales for taking the time to build this much needed outdoor space, all while enduring this Texas heat.
So what is a Mud Kitchen? Well friends, a Mud Kitchen is an outdoor kitchen that provides multitudes of hands-on-experiences for young children. This outdoor learning space allows children to use their imaginations, creativity, and explore their sensory and tactile skills.
Children learn best through play. Take a look at these four ways children learn while exploring and playing in the Mud Kitchen.
Science-when children collect and explore leaves, rocks, flowers, dirt and observe what happens when they add water, they are experimenting and making scientific inquiries and observations.
Math- truly is everywhere…when children group, sort, and use words such as more, less, full, empty they are engaging in mathematical concepts. “How many cups of water does it take to fill up the pot?”, “The pitcher is only half full”, young children’s math conversations in the math kitchen happen very naturally.
Expressive language- when children talk about cooking, making mud pies, and use words like wet, dry, gooey, messy, sloppy they are learning to add rich expressive language to their sentences.
Social interactions-MUD Kitchens catapults imagination-driven play that builds young children’s developmental skills. When children engage in pretend (or dramatic) play, they are actively experimenting with the social and emotional roles of life.