STEAM Activity

STEAM Activity


Building with sticks and play-dough is a fun way to develop fine motor skills, and foster creativity. Plus we love all things STEAM...yes please don't leave out the much creativity can happen if you give children sense of purpose. Here our little ones where trying to built a home for their families during our Family Unit of Study. I can see these children experimenting with other mediums in the future! They were definitely challenged with this activity. They had to learn what size of play-dough balls work best, how to arrange the sticks, how to piece them together. They had to try many times before they got their structures to stand.

STEAM is all about the world around us so let’s use what we have and get creative with our engineering skills!

I do, we do, you do!

I do, we do, you do!

Cooking with Preschoolers!

Cooking with Preschoolers!